Monday, December 8, 2008

I know Thanksgiving is over, but it struck me this morning, shouldn't everyday be thanksgiving? There have been so many tragedies this past week. One of our local pastors suddenly died at 55 years of age, one of our church member's young daughter has a rare and typically fatal blood disorder and has spent the majority of the past year in a hospital in Minnesota, a young girl from our Christian academy was in a car accident and is paralyzed. many times did I look at my own family and really give thanks and praise God that we are healthy and together. It is so easy to just take the life we lead and things we have for granite. With the economy so unstable, I have never had to wonder if I was going to be able to feed my family. My job (at this time) is secure, but have I really been thankful to have that job? No I complained upon waking, that I didn't want to go to work today. Never considering the people that would love to be able to have a job. Dear Lord, Thank you for the safety and well being that you have bestowed upon my family. Help me to be ever mindful, that it can change in a blink of an eye, but you will still be there to see us through. Thank you for that promise. Lord, please open my eyes to see others in need, spiritually or physically. You have given me so much, please show me how and where I can share it with others. Lord, Father, thank you for loving me, caring for me even when I was turning from you. I love you Lord, use me.

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